Développement durable

Pour protéger notre planète, nous devons apprendre à vivre en harmonie avec la nature. À l’échelle locale comme à l’échelle nationale, la Fondation Sierra Club Canada s’engage à promouvoir des modes de vie plus durables et viables.

New Ontario Government Energy Legislation Favours Big Business Over Consumers and the Environment

By David Poch, Green Energy Coalition

On March 21st Ontario Minister of Energy, Greg Rickford, released Bill 87, entitled Fixing the Hydro Mess. But rather than sustainably reducing consumer bills in Ontario it will enlarge the economic and environmental mess that past energy policies are visiting on the province. 

Diesel, people and the environment

Photo from Children's Clean Air Network

by Leslie Adams, SCO Executive Committee member

I hope that parents, school principal, and school board representatives in fact everyone!  read this. This year April 4, 2019, is Healthy Schools Day (HSD) in Canada, every year Annually HSD highlights an important challenge to children’s health and the environment.  Recognizing that awareness of an issue does not go far enough, HSD also outlines actions to take. The 2019 campaign focus is on the health impacts of diesel engine exhaust emissions and ways to reduce risk through exposure for the health of all. 

PowerShift: Young and Rising is coming to Ottawa!

PowerShift: Young and Rising is coming to Ottawa. From Thursday, February 14th to Monday, February 18, 2019
PowerShift: Young and Rising is coming to Ottawa. From Thursday, February 14th to Monday, February 18, 2019, this four-day climate event will host workshops, panel discussions, keynote speakers, and performances, all in pursuit of young people tackling and solving the climate crisis. They ask, "We are the generation that has the power to counter the damage done, and build the future we know is possible. Will you rise with us?"

Help Save Sable Island.

One of Canada’s and the world’s most pristine places has been put on the bidding block for oil drilling and seismic blasting.

That place is Sable Island.

It is a place of magic and myth. It looms large in our minds as an iconic symbol of all that is wild and beautiful and untouchable.

It is home to wild horses, grey seals, and birds and species unique to just this island.

Celebrate Gretchen's Important Work With a Gift In Her Honour - December 2018

Gretchen Fitzgerald, our senior staff director, is celebrating a birthday.

Beyond her responsibilities leading Sierra Club – from media interviews at all hours, to racing to coalition meetings, to being our well-informed voice to the public – Gretchen is quietly out there on Facebook trying to raise funds for Sierra Club Canada Foundation on the occasion of her birthday this month.

But we want to surprise her with something special.

9 Tips To Reduce Plastic Use This Holiday - Don't Let Plastic Steal Your Holiday

Reining in consumerism and reusing last year's wrapping paper doesn't make you a grinch.

About 90% of plastic waste is not recycled in Canada. Household waste volumes double in the week after Christmas in Canada 1 - and we already produce way too much to begin with!

To try and tackle the #ProblemWithPlastics while keeping the season warm and bright, here are some tips to reduce plastic waste during the holidays:

Green Energy: Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility - UPDATE

(Photo by Charissa Val Straalen) Two years ago, over 49 non-governmental organizations across Canada and the USA signed on to a letter asking both Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and President Barack Obama to address issues pertaining to a series of shipments of liquid radioactive waste from Chalk River in Ontario to the US Department of Energy’s Savannah River Site in South Carolina. These shipments were along public roads and over bridges crossing the Great Lakes.

Urban Sustainability Blog #4: Minimizing Waste In and Out of the Home

Our last post in the urban sustainability series saw us giving advice on how to take advantage of alternative modes of transport to help reduce single-occupancy vehicle commutes in Ontario. Now, we are switching gears to focus on another growing problem in societies of all shapes and sizes: waste. Waste accumulation is leading to pollution on a massive scale, leading to severe consequences for wildlife and humans alike.