Wildlife & Natural Spaces

You cannot protect what you do not know. Nature’s diversity exists all around us. SCCF works with individuals, partners and community groups to promote knowledge of wildlife and natural environments. We work to preserve and protect for all to enjoy, both now and in the future.

Prospects for New National Urban Park in Greater Edmonton Region Spark Excitement

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By Lindsay Boucher

This summer Johnathan Wilkinson, Former Minister of the Environment and Climate Change, announced a new program to create national urban parks across Canada. Seven cities were being considered, including the greater Edmonton area.  This announcement aligns with Sierra Club Canada Foundation’s goal of providing access to nature for all, protecting wildlife and habitat, and mitigating climate change with nature-based solutions.

Attack on the Greenbelt is an Assault on Duffins Creek

The assault by the Ford government on the Ontario Greenbelt is primarily an attack on a cold-water trout stream, Duffins Creek. Despite this, the stream is still able to provide habitat for cold water salmonid species due to  the successful campaign against Pickering Airport, and what was supposed to be a complimentary new town. Over time approximately half of these once all publicly owned lands (some have been sold to developers) have become incorporated into the 20,000-acre Rouge National Park.

It’s time to update Ontario’s Biodiversity Strategy and You Can Add Your Voice

Sierra Club Ontario (SCO) has been involved in promoting a renewal of the Ontario Biodiversity Strategy. Now we’re ready to help you participate. 
Between now and March 27, 2023, the Ontario Biodiversity Council (OBC) is seeking input on the Strategy. The Strategy is focused on five goals of empowering people, reducing threats, enhancing resilience, improving knowledge, and transforming investment. With 13 targets and 37 actions, OBC is looking for comments.

New Niagara Regional Official Plan – Eroding Protection

Quite bizarrely, the new Niagara Regional Official Plan, approved on November 4, 2022, was a significant step backwards compared to the previous Niagara Regional Official Plan, which governed land use planning since its approval by the Ontario cabinet in 1983. The development of that official plan was a difficult 13 year process and a cornerstone for good planning in Niagara. While it initially provided policies to protect agricultural land, its approach became more comprehensive in 2009, with new provisions for comprehensive environmental protection policies.

Sitting Outside With Two Rabbits

Last night was dark but not so cold for a mid-February night in downtown Toronto’s Annex neighborhood. Me sitting with two brown rabbits running around me perhaps looking for something to have for supper. Thinking this is the Chinese Year of The Rabbit and here they are living somewhere close to the building I live in. There are skunks in our garbage cans and raccoons, possums, rats, even squirrels and lots of birds who live here too. We’re all living in Indian Country. 

Les bonnes intentions ne suffisent pas !

Cantley doit faire ses devoirs pour identifier les zones clés de la biodiversité, les corridors écologiques et les services écologiques. Un plan de conservation de la nature doit être intégré au nouveau plan directeur de Cantley, soutenu par des modifications appropriées des règlements municipaux. Par exemple, des zones de conservation de la nature et de corridors écologiques devraient être ajoutées aux règlements de zonage de Cantley. 

Good intentions are not enough!

Cantley has to do its homework to identify key biodiversity areas, ecological corridors and ecological services. A nature conservation plan must be integrated into Cantley's new master plan, supported by appropriate bylaw changes. For example, Nature Conservation and Ecological Corridor land use zones should be added to Cantley’s zoning bylaws. 

Seaton Trail, The Battle Line

On July 23, Sierra Club Ontario had a walk on the tranquil, beautiful Seaton Trail which forms the battle line between the Rouge National Urban Park and the Pickering Airport Study Area. The walk went from the charming Victorian Gothic village of Whitevale, up to the Oak Ridges Moraine. Here, we turned back after seeing an indicator of good ecosystem health — a Pileated Woodpecker. We were also entertained by a soaring Red Tail Hawk and the sounds of Cardinals, Chickadees, and Wood Frogs. 

Thin Green Wedge Under Attack Again

There is a narrow green wedge of 1.5 kilometers south of the Niagara Escarpment in the City of Niagara Falls. It is a thin refuge for wildlife between a concrete maze of an expressway, quarries, the Welland Canal and a rock dump. It is now under attack. 

North of the green wedge is the Greenbelt, which stretches from Lake Ontario to the Niagara Escarpment. South is the most intact area of Carolinian Canada outside of designated Indian Reservations stretching to Lake Erie. It is dominated by the wetland forests created by the heavy clays of the vanished Lake Tonawanda. 

NPCA Withdraws Notice of Violation for Riverfront

In January 2020, a month after the Local Planning Appeals Tribunal (LPAT) rejected my appeal of the amendment to the City of Niagara Falls Official Plan to facilitate the Riverfront development, extensive mowing took place in a Grey Hawthorn dominated savanna. In addition to Hawthorns being mowed, some small trees were cut down and turned into sawdust — which in some places, buried existing vegetation by mounds three feet deep. 

North Atlantic Right Whales: The Road to Recovery

Roughly 83% of the population of the critically endangered North Atlantic Right Whale (NARW) showed evidence of at least one entanglement throughout their life, with 59% of those having been entangled more than once. Entanglements from fixed fishing gear, along with vessel strikes, have been leading causes of mortality in the species for years. With fewer than 350 NARWs remaining, they are at a critical point.

Local fishermen in the Gulf of Saint-Lawrence region and the government of Canada are working together to reduce mortalities, notably by placing temporary closures and developing and testing new whale-safe fishing gear. However, while this may help reduce mortalities, the impacts of climate change and other ecological problems may also affect the Gulf of St-Lawrence bioregion, an important feeding ground for the species. So will these efforts prove sufficient to help the species recover?


North Atlantic Right Whales - The Road Ahead

https://www.sierraclub.ca/en/video/2022-07-17/north-atlantic-right-whales-road-recoveryThis art piece depicts all remaining North Atlantic right whales in the wild - with roughly 350 individuals left. This critically endangered whale is highly vulnerable to entanglements from fixed fishing gear and vessel strikes. These are and have been the leading causes of mortality for the species for years.

Native Grasslands Are Our Past and Our Future

        Only a few hundred years ago, much of North America was covered by grasses reaching up to 10 feet tall, while wildflowers, lichens, liverworts and other plant life flourished below. Tens of millions of bison grazed the land, wildfires maintained balance between native grasses and encroaching woody plants and trees, and grassland birds soared above. Native prairie grasslands which are comprised of a mix of tall-grass, mixed-grass, and short-grass prairie, stretched hundreds of millions of acres from Alberta to Manitoba.

Assault on Carolinian Forests in Bacher V. GR CAN Investments et al.

In Memory of Alicja Rozanska.

From John Bacher: 

Recently when I was reviewing the decision of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice in Bacher V. GR CAN Investments, I received grim news of brutal events in the Amazonian rainforest. This showed the similarity of the assaults of the woodlands of the Carolinian life zone, Canada’s most biologically diverse biome, with another critical cradle of species diversity on our planet. 

2030, c'est demain: Protéger 30% du golfe du St. Laurent est urgent et réalisable

L'état de nos océans est préoccupant, c'est le moins qu'on puisse dire. Ils sont soumis aux impacts cumulés de la pollution, du bruit, des changements climatiques, de la surpêche, et plus encore. L'une des solutions dans notre boîte à outils pour aider à restaurer les écosystèmes marins sont les aires marines protégées (AMP). Dans cette présentation, SNAP Québec discutera de l'historique, des avantages et des types d'AMP, ainsi que de la nécessité et de l'urgence de créer un réseau efficace d'AMP couvrant au moins 30 % du golfe du Saint-Laurent.